Thursday, September 03, 2009

Where Does The Time Go?

A few nights ago I was channel surfing with my husband and he came across a movie on HBO called “Loser”. I really don’t remember who was in it, but I think both of the main actors in it were from “American Pie”. It was at the end of the movie and a song came on that I immediately remembered from college. It was called “Someone to Dance With”. I am not sure why I remembered it, but for some reason I was able to sing along with the lyrics. I made Mike use the “Info” button on our remote and saw that it was made in the year 2000. 2000! This meant that the film was made in 1999. 10 years ago! What?! I had no idea where the time had went since I had probably last heard the song.

On Tuesday evening, Mike and I went to a preschool meeting for our oldest son, Brody. When we entered the room, I immediately felt a pang of anxiety. All of the parents who were in the room looked substantially younger than Mike and I. This really bothered me. Am I really an old parent? Mike is 36 and I will be in December. I swear, none of the parents in the room were older than 30 (aside from Mike and I). It was the oddest feeling I had had in quite some time. I never thought that I would be a person who would let my age affect me in such a way, but it did.
Age…is it truly just a number? I have friends who have children in high school. I also have friends who are just becoming parents for the first time on the cusp of 40. My uncle just adopted an infant child (his second) at the age of 43. I used to think that being 30 was old when I was 16. Now that I am 35, am I ancient? I truly wonder; where does all the time go? It definitely stands still for no one.