Monday, March 08, 2010

James Cameron's Wife

This is the problem I have with the Oscars; women who are in dire need of a meal and look as if they have starved themselves into preconceived notions of false beauty. Could someone please give Suzy Amis a meal please? WOW! :(

Thursday, March 04, 2010

What's Going On?

It has been a while since I last wrote on my blog. My grief counseling sessions are now over and I feel as if there has been a tremendous burden lifted off from my soul. It is amazing what therapy can do for someone. I’ve had a few other issues going on and believe I might go and see this person on a regular basis…we will see how things pan out in the next two months. :)

Aside from this, I can say that I am overall well. Work is going well; busy but well and home life is also good. It is a huge relief to feel as if things are finally coming together and I don’t feel as crushed with grief as I have over the past few months. My prayer for strength has paid off as well as the sessions.

Spring is definitely a time of renewal, and I cannot wait for it to arrive! :)