Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ask, and you shall not receive

Starting on April 1, I will be paying $800 per month to provide my family with health insurance coverage, which equates to $9,600 per year. When I deducted the annual cost of insurance from my current salary amount, I realized that I would potentially be making less than what I was when I worked at my previous job. At my last job, family health insurance coverage was $350 per month. I will be paying 2.28 times more than I was before.

I was thoroughly disgusted when I realized that I would be making less than I was before. I decided that the best thing I could do for myself was to ask my boss for a raise. I didn't come right out and ask for it, I explained that my husband would soon be losing his unemployment benefits and his job prospects were not what we had hoped they would be. I knew that I would be receiving a three percent pay increase at the end of March and asked my boss if there would be a consideration of a larger pay increase. She told me that she appreciated my suggestion and that she would think about it.

This morning she stopped by my desk and asked how things were going and I told her not so well. I was hoping to get partially paid health insurance for Mike and Brody through the state, but I found out that it wasn't going to be an option for us when I came home from work last night. She then did something I wasn't expecting, she began to patronize me. Have you done this? Have you done that? Needless to say, it really pissed me off. I told her that Mike was registered with four different temporary agencies and that he had his resume posted on at least six different websites. I guess I know what the answer is to a larger pay increase. I think it is time to look for a different job.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

You say Sibley, I say Selby

The office I work in is located next to one of the main entrances to our office building. From time to time I have to answer the door because someone is lost, or someone believes our office is the management office for the building. Today was one of those occasions....

Me: Can I help you?
Irritated @&*^ing Bitch: Yeah, you can help by opening the door.
(I walk over and unlock our office door)
Me: What can I do for you?
IFB: Yeah, I am looking for the (blah, blah, blah). Isn't this it?
Me: No it isn't.
IFB: Well, can you tell me how to get there?
Me: What is the address?
IFB: This is the address, THIS ADDRESS (referring to our office location). I am at 400 Sibley Ave. ain't I?
Me: No, this is 400 Selby Ave., Sibley Ave. is located downtown St. Paul.
IFB: Thanks a lot you @&*^ing smartass.

Well, I guess I would rather be a smartass than a dumbass.