Thursday, March 15, 2007

You say Sibley, I say Selby

The office I work in is located next to one of the main entrances to our office building. From time to time I have to answer the door because someone is lost, or someone believes our office is the management office for the building. Today was one of those occasions....

Me: Can I help you?
Irritated @&*^ing Bitch: Yeah, you can help by opening the door.
(I walk over and unlock our office door)
Me: What can I do for you?
IFB: Yeah, I am looking for the (blah, blah, blah). Isn't this it?
Me: No it isn't.
IFB: Well, can you tell me how to get there?
Me: What is the address?
IFB: This is the address, THIS ADDRESS (referring to our office location). I am at 400 Sibley Ave. ain't I?
Me: No, this is 400 Selby Ave., Sibley Ave. is located downtown St. Paul.
IFB: Thanks a lot you @&*^ing smartass.

Well, I guess I would rather be a smartass than a dumbass.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

"Well, I guess I would rather be a smartass than a dumbass."

This is a favorite mantra of mine, one which I never seem to run out of occasions to use, what a sad commentary for our world...LOL!