Friday, May 11, 2007


134) I believe that my best feature is my eyes.
135) The feature that attracts me to other people the most is their eyes.
136) Eyes are windows into a person's soul.
137) I cannot stand it when people speak to me and do not look me in the eyes.
138) When walking towards people, I look people straight in the eyes.
139) When I do this, people usually smile or they look at the ground.
140) Those who look at the ground are cowards and I perceive those people to be weak.
141) People who continuously draw attention to themselves are usually trying to hide something.
142) When I feel that I am being cheated, I seek revenge.
143) I am guilty of making rash decisions.
144) My ultimate goal in life is to be happy.
145) In my early 20s I was very depressed and took Prozac for my depression.
146) I do not believe that drugs are the answer to people's problems.
147) An unexamined life is not worth living.
148) Socrates said that last statement.
149) I really do not understand the hype about Shakespeare; there were many other wonderful authors during the same time period.
150) I really believe that Christopher Marlowe was a far better writer that William Shakespeare.
151) My last comment caused quite a stir during my Shakespeare literature class in college.
152) The forementioned class was the only English class I took in college in which I received a C+.
153) My favorite author is Wally Lamb.
154) My favorite book is "She's Come Undone".
155) If a film were to be made of my favorite book, I don't know of any actress who would be able to play the title character.
156) I think that Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan are all no-talent hacks.
157) I think the most worthless television show is "Dancing with the Stars".
158) My current quest is to find a brand of hairspray that will actually work on my hair.
159) I believe the current condition of my hair is that it is too healthy.
160) I am guilty of switching topics of conversation without proper segue.

More to come later...

And I'm telling you, I'm going...

Do you know what the best part about changing jobs is? Shredding. That's right; shredding. I have been shredding documents since I walked in the door at 8:30 this morning. There is nothing like the sound of paper going through the shredder; a loud, whirling noise that is almost on the verge of annoyance. I love it. What I love even more is that my co-workers can hear it throughout our office suite. I bet they are gritting their teeth and holding their heads as if they are in dire need of Excedrin. I LOVE IT!

You are probably asking yourself; why is she so angry against her current employer? Well, it is because there is a great injustice going on--almost to the point of being considered discrimination. My boss, who is a woman, is currently paying the only man in our office over $100K for making phone calls, puffing up his chest, and pretending to be important. Sounds like a great job, doesn't it? The next highest paid employee in our office, a woman, makes $40K less than he does and works her ass off. She puts in 10 hour days and goes out of her way to make sure she has a handle on all everything associated with her position. Can you see the problem here? It only gets worse.

I asked my boss for a raise in order to compensate for the $750 monthly medical insurance coverage and I was denied; that is why I sought out another position. When I told my boss I was leaving; what does she do? She hires someone and pays her $3K more than what I am making right now. Do you see what is wrong with this picture? I am the type of person who normally does not put up with people treating me unfairly, but I have to play nice because I need health insurance coverage for the next month for my family. I normally do not care about burning bridges, but in this case, I have to and it bothers me more than anything.

The countdown is on ladies and gentlemen; six days, 23 hours, fifteen minutes, 18 seconds...