Friday, May 11, 2007


134) I believe that my best feature is my eyes.
135) The feature that attracts me to other people the most is their eyes.
136) Eyes are windows into a person's soul.
137) I cannot stand it when people speak to me and do not look me in the eyes.
138) When walking towards people, I look people straight in the eyes.
139) When I do this, people usually smile or they look at the ground.
140) Those who look at the ground are cowards and I perceive those people to be weak.
141) People who continuously draw attention to themselves are usually trying to hide something.
142) When I feel that I am being cheated, I seek revenge.
143) I am guilty of making rash decisions.
144) My ultimate goal in life is to be happy.
145) In my early 20s I was very depressed and took Prozac for my depression.
146) I do not believe that drugs are the answer to people's problems.
147) An unexamined life is not worth living.
148) Socrates said that last statement.
149) I really do not understand the hype about Shakespeare; there were many other wonderful authors during the same time period.
150) I really believe that Christopher Marlowe was a far better writer that William Shakespeare.
151) My last comment caused quite a stir during my Shakespeare literature class in college.
152) The forementioned class was the only English class I took in college in which I received a C+.
153) My favorite author is Wally Lamb.
154) My favorite book is "She's Come Undone".
155) If a film were to be made of my favorite book, I don't know of any actress who would be able to play the title character.
156) I think that Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan are all no-talent hacks.
157) I think the most worthless television show is "Dancing with the Stars".
158) My current quest is to find a brand of hairspray that will actually work on my hair.
159) I believe the current condition of my hair is that it is too healthy.
160) I am guilty of switching topics of conversation without proper segue.

More to come later...

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