Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Playing Cars

Brody is currently attending community preschool and special education preschool. The reason behind his attendance at special education is due to his delayed speech development. Brody has made excellent progress the past year and only continues to amaze us. I remember at this time last year, Brody didn't say more than three words. Now...I cannot even begin to estimate the amount of words in his vocabulary. His grammar still needs work, but we are getting there. It has been a journey.

One of the blessings to the special education preschool sessions is Brody's informational notebook. This notebook contains all updates on his progress...strictly for his special education sessions, which are Tuesdays and Thursdays. I write notes to his "team" about what we work on during the week, and I also convey my concerns about his progress and learning opportunities.

Recently, when I asked Brody what he did on his community preschool day, which was Monday, he told me that he "played cars." When I asked him if that was all he did, he said, yes. I was dumbfounded. Why would I have him go if all he is doing is playing cars? I already had misgivings about the structure and teachers of the community preschool classes, but this only exemplified it further.

I have sent a note to the special education "team" about my fears concerning the community preschool. If Brody is just "playing cars" at school on those days, he would be better off being at home and having Mike work with him on his shapes, grammar, letters and colors. I already feel enough angst as it is and I don't want to have to worry about these issues even further. I really hope it isn't just "playing cars." I really do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can you drop in anytime or do they have 'scheduled visits'? If you can just drop in at will, I would do that. Perhaps it's only the playing cars that Brody remembers? In any case, you are good to keep on top of doubt you are paying good money for him to be 'playing cars'.