Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The "W" Word

I told myself that I wouldn't talk about work in my blog posts anymore, but I guess I was lying to myself. Last month I had a review on my job performance that I would like to call "Assumption and Hearsay". Let's just say that there are some people who would prefer that I stay in the current position I have as I cover a lot of the work that they are supposed to do on a daily basis. When I have voiced concern over the fact that I have not been promoted since I have taken my position (three years ago), I was told that I was "difficult" and "not professional enough" to be considered for a promotion. Whatever. After I was part of that lovely conversation, I decided that I was done; no more worrying about things that take place in my life from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

I have applied for enumerated job positions since one of my co-workers threw me under the bus a year ago. It was someone who I thought was a friend, but that was a mistake in itself. People who work with you are very rarely your true friends. They want to know about your personal business so that they can use it to their advantage by having "information" on you. A real friend would not throw a person to the wolves in order to save themselves from any issues they might be having with their own inability to work hard and complete pressing tasks. Needless to say, the phone and emails are not coming in to welcome me to a new job opportunity.

I know it will happen someday...it is just the waiting that is the hardest part.

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