Tuesday, April 03, 2007

100 Things

Since I have read these posts elsewhere, I decided to write my own. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

1) I was born on a Tuesday.
2) I was the only child for 14 years until my brother Josh was born on my 14th birthday.
3) I liked being the only child.
4) I used to daydream as a child that I was adopted.
5) I do not get along with my mother at all.
6) I get along with my father very well.
7) When my mother dies, I think I will leave it up to my brothers to plan her funeral and pay for it.
8) I do not forgive people easily.
9) I hold grudges and can admit it.
10) As a child, my career aspiration was to be an actress.
11) When I graduated from high school, I wanted to be an English teacher.
12) When I graduated from college, I wanted it all.
13) I have two undergraduate degrees; BA & BS.
14) It irritates me when people think I had a double major in college when I actually attained two separate degrees.
15) I do not like it when people do not live up to my expectations of them.
16) When I was a child, my favorite film was "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".
17) As an adult, I hate the film "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".
18) I have been engaged three times.
19) I was divorced.
20) I am remarried.
21) I believe my current husband is my soul mate.
22) I have always had a "thing" for Aquarian men.
23) I used to believe I would never marry or have children.
24) I have two adorable sons.
25) I always cry when I read or hear stories about missing or abused children.
26) I was an abused child.
27) I have been to two different countries outside of the U.S.: Jamaica and Canada.
28) Even though I took German in high school; I really wanted to take Spanish.
29) The only Spanish I know is what I learned on "Sesame Street".
30) When I was a child, at one point I owned every "Star Wars" action figure.
31) I brought my collection of "Star Wars" actions figures to day care and forgot them there for a week. When I returned, all of them had been taken by other children.
32) I hated going to day care as a child; when I was left there by my mother I cried hysterically.
33) My husband watches our children during the day while I am at work.
34) My parents divorced when I was three.
35) My father believes that my half-brother, Josh, could actually be my full-blood brother.
36) My mother will not admit to having an elongated affair with my father after they divorced.
37) I have skeletons in my closet.
38) Literally, there are no skeletons in my closet.
39) I tell my husband I love him everyday before I go to work.
40) The reason I tell my husband that I love him everyday before I go to work is because I am afraid that if I die in a car accident on the way to work, and I didn't tell him that I loved him, my soul will wander around endlessly for the end of time.
41) I am an imaginative person.
42) When I was a teenager, I thought about being a nun.
43) I went to prom; twice.
44) The first time I drank alcohol was when I was 10.
45) The last time I drank alcohol was last Saturday.
46) I wear my heart on my sleever.
47) I do not have a good poker face.
48) I believe in ghosts.
49) I believe in angels.
50) I was baptized Roman Catholic, but brought up in the Lutheran faith.
51) I do not attend church on a regular basis.
53) My favorite food is Old Home cottage cheese in the dark blue container.
54) My favorite color is dark green.
55) At one point in my life, I had a gambling problem.
56) At one point in my life, I had a drinking problem.
57) I consider myself a former smoker, even though I smoke when I drink.
58) I have had my heart broken more than once.
59) I have never had the heart to break someone else's heart intentionally.
60) I despise people who bother me when I am in the middle of completing a difficult task.
61) I have been told that I have a short fuse.
62) I use a lot of profanity.
63) I yell when I am frustrated.
64) I am of German and Irish descent.
65) I have pretended to be someone from a foreign country.
66) I have pretended to be blind.
67) I have pretended to be deaf.
68) For some reason I think I will die an unnatural death.
69) My greatest fear is that I will not see my children grow into adulthood.
70) I am obsessed with James Dean. During a trip to North Carolina I made my fiance at the time drive out of his way so I could visit James Dean's gravesite in Fairmont, Indiana.
71) At times I will pretend to be working when I am not.
72) I search the Internet over 50 times a day.
73) I believe that employers get what they pay for.
74) When I like a song, I will buy the CD and listen to it over and over. When I eject the CD from the player, I can see a groove worn into the plastic.
75) As I child, I consistently acted out my own interpretation of the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". (See # 16)
76) I have been to Sea World in Cleveland, Ohio.
77) I have never been a "girly-girl".
78) I once hit a boy in my 8th grade English class so hard in the arm that he welled up with tears. I laughed at him.
79) At one point in my life I could bench press 250.
80) When I was a child, I would listen to vinyl Disney showtune records while I took a bath.
81) Out of all the bad things I have done in my life, one haunts me continuously.
82) I once left my infant brother in his crib while I took my parents car and went to a party in Hugo with two friends. (see #81) Although nothing happened to him, it still bothers me to this day.
83) I always cry when I think about #82. I am crying as I write this.
84) I am an emotional person.
85) Since becoming a mother, I feel that I am more emotional than most people about things.
86) The best job I have ever had is being a mother.
87) I used to make myself the center of attention just to hide the pain I was really feeling at the time.
88) I believe that I am constantly changing.
89) I always tip servers and bartenders.
90) I often play "what if" games with myself.
91) My "to do" list has not been completed.
92) I may not be someone to the world, but I am the world to someone.
93) I like using trite quotes and sayings on a regular basis.
94) I do not feel complete without drinking coffee in the morning.
95) Although I can cook, I claim I cannot in order to have someone else cook for me.
96) At times I am starved for conversation.
97) My biggest pet peeve is people who patronize me.
98) I don't like being by myself for long periods of time.
99) Although I complain about the cold and snow, I really love winter.
100) My favorite thing about the Sunday paper is the coupons.


Trudy said...

Wow...I just learned a lot about you! Very cool, I'll have to start working on my list now.

Stacy B said...

Thanks. I think I need to add another 100 to it though...

Stacy B said...

I have to comment into my own blog in order to post. Bad news

Stacy B said...

Commenting again on my own blog