Have you ever noticed that if you think positive things, then positivity comes to you? Yes, this is a hypothetical question to anyone who reads my blog. But it is a question to think about. I was in a rut for a while after I had lost a close friendship, having (yet, another time) an unemployed husband, the lack of my son speaking, out of control debt, etc. I think you get the picture. My mother even commented that she had thought that I was in a severe depression. Now, in hindsight, I believe I was. I had often wondered if my negativity was causing negative things to happen in my life. Guess what? It was!
Over the last two months I have realized that I cannot help that my close friendship failed (it was probably going to happen anyway), I could not control my husband losing his job, my son's inability to communicate verbally, and I shouldn't take responsibility (soley) for the debt getting out of control. The main point is that I realized that I needed to do something about it and I have. My husband is now gainfully employed, my son is starting to verbalize more words and I have resolved our debt issues. Although not all of the issues have been resolved (nor will they), I have resolved those that I can resolve. Just realize....(thanks Colbie Caillat).