Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Predestination or Chance?

Predestination. I am a thorough believer in it. I think that all things happen for a reason and that it is all part of a larger plan already conceived and waiting for us to live it out. I met my husband totally by chance...or should I say, predestination. :) I found out I was pregnant with my youngest son when I my oldest son was four months old, which was totally unplanned. Would I have had either of these things occur in any other way? No. I would not.

I must admit that I have had things happen in my life over the last three years that have made me ask, "Why is this happening?". I have realized that these things have happened for a reason and that it is all part of a larger plan. Although my life is difficult at times, I know the difficulties will not last an eternity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh yes, meeting your husband was definitely predestined. I think all that led up to it probably was too...even the demise of your poor new jeans :(