Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Coming Home

Last night my husband and babies came home. Yes, I realize that Brody and Byron are far from being in the infant stage, but to me they will always be my babies. I cannot tell you how elated I was when they walked into the door. Brody was more nonchalant than Byron. Brody said hi to me and then proceeded to start playing with his toys. Byron, on the other hand, screamed and ran to me with open arms. He didn't want me to put him down. When Brody saw Byron's reaction to me, he then ran at me with full-force; almost knocking me over. I then saw Mike come in the door, and I lost it. I starting crying...worse than when I had first come home last Monday to an empty house. I had my family again and I felt complete.

The whole experience of being by myself for a week was really surreal. I realized how much I have changed as a person since marrying Mike, and having Brody and Byron. When I was married to my first husband, I was alone...constantly. I think that one of the main reasons behind the failure of my first marriage was that I was alone too much. I tried to find solace in places and things that were not good for my overall well-being. I know that I am truly blessed now, and that is all that matters. My family is home.


Unknown said...

Yay! I'm so glad everyone got home safely and you have your family back.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I'm so glad your family is back together. :) How old are your boys, BTW? They are adorable!