Thursday, July 09, 2009

This and That

I took the photo that is now under "Rx for My Soul". I think it is beautiful.

I talked to Mike yesterday afternoon and it was bitersweet for me. I was so happy to talk to him, and he deflated my sails. He immediately started in about how overwhelmed he was with having to take care of our children non-stop while being up there and how he just couldn't handle it. I told him that if I could have had the shoe on the other foot that I would have loved to have been up there and have him at home. The whole conversation was very negative. I couldn't understand why he was taking this one opportunity to talk to me and use it to go off on how awful everything was. At the end of our conversation he told me he was sorry that he made it sound worse than what it was...he was just overwhelmed on how much work it took to raise our children. I smiled at that, but it still made me upset.

Yesterday I decided that I needed to put together some things for Mike's brother and sister to bring with them to the cabins for the kids. Since my family will not be home until next Wednesday, I thought it would be a good thing. I took a photo of myself making a "kissing" face with our digital camera and placed a note inside the case of the camera. In the note I said that I thought the way he addressed what was going on up at the cabins during our phone call was wrong. I also told him that if I could be at the cabins with him I would be. I am sure it is not as bad as he is making it sound. Actually, I am positive.

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