Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It ain't over till it's over

The saga of the employment position continues. I will try to sum it up as best as possible...

1) Mike attended meeting
2) Employer said Mike is still fired
3) Union rep tells Mike it isn't over until union board votes on position on Wednesday
4) Mike thinks he'll know about job future on Wednesday until he calls union rep again and finds out this is only the preliminary voting to decide if they will appeal Mike being fired by the board
5) Mike finds out mediation process can take 4-9 months
6) Mike calls temporary agencies and cannot find work

Should I continue? I think I won't. This whole thing reminds me of Dante's "Inferno"; but I am not quite sure which "Circle of Hell" this would fall into. Hmmm...too bad I don't have more idle time to ponder that one.

Things could be a lot worse than what they are. This statement is starting to wear on me--kind of like the advice of my in-laws. Did I say that out loud? Well, I guess I did. Perhaps tomorrow will be better; it will be another day.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

I hope something turns up soon!