Monday, November 27, 2006

I need a drink and a cigarette

Last week there was an interesting booklet that was included in the St. Paul paper. It featured recipes for enumerated alcholic drinks and what wine went with which food. I know that this isn't the most important thing I should be thinking about right now, but I cannot help it. I was practically drooling over the recipes for chocolate martinis and margaritas.

I realize that after the birth of my second child that my chances of being able to get drunk are slim to none. Let's face it; no one will want to watch an infant and a one-year-old overnight so mommy can have a few cocktails. That would be like asking someone to undergo unneccessary surgery for the fun of it. Perhaps I am feeling sorry for myself given my current life situation, but this is the prime time for my selfish tendencies to show.

In my recent dreams I dream that I am sitting at a bar with two drinks in front of me and a pack of Marlboro Ultra Lights (box). In the dreams I am able to drink, drink, and drink some more without any repercussions. I also smoke like a chimney in the same dreams. Nice, huh? I think it is rather sad that I am dreaming about alcohol and cigarettes. I should be dreaming about something more realistic, but why? My dreams are a means of escapism. Tonight I will be sure to order another tall Bud Light and smoke another 10 cigarettes.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

Your lungs and liver thank you for keeping it in your dreams! I'm going on 6 weeks without a smoke now!