Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Something for the complaint file

Okay, I know the last month of my blog has revolved around my complaints over my husband losing his job and the like. Although that whole fiasco has really pissed me off, there are several other things that seem to be taking the cake lately. Here they are; in no particular order:

1) My pregnancy
I currently do not weigh as much as I did during my last pregnancy, but for some reason my ass must be bigger. I can no longer fit into the same chairs I used to sit in last year when I was pregnant. So far I have gained 33 pounds with my pregnancy and last time I gained 83. Hmmm... What bothered me the most was when I went to the restroom today at work and as I was walking my child-to-be kicked me very hard. As I put my hand up to my stomach the building cleaning lady asked me if I had a stomach ache. I looked at her appalled at practically yelled at her, "I AM PREGNANT!" She then looked at me as if I were crazy and I proceeded to answer the typical questions pertaining to pregnancy: other children, boy or girl, when due, etc. I don't know. I am now in a state of wonderment about the way I look. Is it normal to look as if one has swallowed a beachball?

2) My job
We are closing on a property at the end of next week and everyone who works here needs an attitude adjustment. I have been coming into work early so I do not have to stay late. Guess what? I have had to stay late because things don't seem to progress around here until 4 p.m. It reminds me of the song in "The Wizard of Oz"...
We get up and then we go to work at one,
Take an hour for lunch and then at two we're done.
Jolly old fun!
Here it is a bit different, but only slightly. People come and go as they please. One person has perpetual doctor appointments. Don't even get me started on that one.

3) My medical insurance
I am currently paying $750 per month for my husband and son to be medically insured. This is a good portion of my total monthly income. It might not seem like a lot of money, but when you are the only person working and trying to support four people (since being pregnant I can count my unborn child) it is a lot to me. I qualify for discounted medical insurance, but I was told that even though I am pregnant, I am not entitled to the stated fifteen-day waiting period because there are a lot of people who have also applied and the main office is overstaffed. Is this my problem? No, it is not. As time ticks by, I am becoming more panicked. I don't want to have to pay an additional $350 in February to insure my newborn when I won't be working full-time.

4) My family
Every year my grandparents have had a massive Christmas celebration at their house for as long as I have been alive. This year I found out that they will not be having the celebration at their house because there is not enough room for the 50+ people to fit in their basement. Instead of going to their house in the cities, we are now all expected to drive to Wyoming, MN on Christmas to celebrate at my aunt and uncle's house (which is considerably smaller than my grandparents' house). Since I have to drive to Forest Lake on Christmas Eve, I am not too willing to drive up there two days in a row. Christmas, to me, is about being able to celebrate with family members. If one side of my family is trying to dominate my participation in holiday activites, it is not fair to the other side.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

Ok, I know that was probably a rant so forgive me for LMAO! I'm just so happy to see that this pregnancy hasn't robbed you of your tremendous spunk (that I've always envied in you)! That poor cleaning lady:(