Monday, September 11, 2006


I always used to say that my generation would be the first to experience life without war. My great-grandparents had experienced WW I, my grandparents experienced WW II, my parents experienced the Vietnam War, which ultimately left a blank page for my generation. I said this statement back in the late 1980s (before the Persian Gulf War). Little did I know that all would change.

I am bringing this up today because it is the fifth anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, and I find it hard to believe that five years have passed already. So much has happened in five years. I have had four jobs, four places of residence, two husbands and one child. Wow! That is a lot to occur in five years. I don't think I have had such a run since childhood.

I remember September 11, 2001 vividly. I worked at 8 a.m. over off of 280 and University Ave., the business no longer exists, so it is not worth mentioning. Another co-worker and I were the only two people in our office when she shouted over her cubicle to me that a plane had flew into the World Trade Center. At first I thought it was just a terrible mistake; a pilot had misjudged or the plane had some sort of technical malfunction. The next few events proved my theory was incorrect.

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