Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Billowing puffs of fluffy television

Last summer while I was pregnant with my son, I was put on bed rest and needed a new way to pass my time. Since I couldn't go for walks or do anything that required moderate activity, I rented the first season DVDs of "Lost". I became immediately hooked. I couldn't get enough of it. As the summer passed, I waited with bated breath for the second season to start. When it did; I was disappointed. I found that it was difficult to keep up with what was "happening inside the hatch". I guess feeding my son his bottles took top priority.

Since then, I have found myself watching a lot of "fluff" on TV. I don't like all reality television shows, just a few: "Flavor of Love 2", "Dancing with the Stars", "Rockstar: Supernova", and "American Idol". With all the "dark" in the world during the day, I would rather not have my nights laden with murder and drugs as well.

I feel like I am sounding a bit like Guy's wife in "Fahrenheit 451", but at least I do not believe I am part of these television shows; as if the rest of the cast is waiting for me to speak my line in order for the program to carry on. I am not planning on a drug overdose either. Believe you me. Bring on the "fluff"! :)

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