Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Turn a light on the dark areas of your life

The reason why I started writing my blog was to have a way to vent my thoughts and ideas about enumerated things. I do not tend to go into any "dark areas" of thought with my blog because I believe that emphasis on the negative events that took place during my childhood are best left in the past. The only reason I am even discussing this is because I read someone else's blog today and it made me very sad for the person who wrote it. I do not want to go into details, but I empathized with her.

I could make a list on my blog of all the things that happened when I was a child; some of which would really drop a jaw or two. Why bother? I used to believe that my life would make such an interesting novel. As I have grown older, I no longer think so. My life is no more unique than anyone else's life. Each person has a set of interesting or noteworthy experiences that differ us from one another; that is all. I am not sure if I have been changed by time, motherhood, or other unexplained circumstances.

I like to read other blogs because I find other people interesting. I like to read about their thoughts, ideas and dreams. Perhaps I shouldn't be critical of that person's wish to blog about the "dark areas" of her childhood.

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