Friday, October 06, 2006

The 80s

I just visited one of my favorite web-sites,, and I saw a post featuring the new Trivial Pursuit game for 1980s trivia. The people who were featured in the promo photo for the game were NOT 80s icons by my standards; not in the least.

There was not one member of the "Brat Pack"in the photo, which is a given for any reference to the 80s culture. "Magic" Johnson, Larry Bird, Bo Jackson (because he knew) and Carl Lewis would have been better choices for sports representation than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. What were these people thinking? In the 80s I had Scott Baio and C. Thomas Howell plastered on my walls. Corey Feldman? I think I thought about him once when I saw "Stand By Me", which wasn't even until the latter part of the decade.

The 80s were the greatest decade. I had plastic jelly shoes, shaker-knit sweaters, over-sized- gray-sweatshirts-with-the-collar-ripped-off, stirrup pants, lace headbands and fingerless-gloves. My hair was always six inches off my scalp and secured with AquaNet. I was an 80s girl.


Trudy said...

don't forget the parachute pants and friendship pins in the shoes!

Stacy B said...

I also pinned my jeans at the cuffs. I wore two pairs of socks: one white and one that matched whatever color of shirt I was wearing; and white canvas Keds. I also wore no socks for a while with a pair of flats; even in the winter.

Trudy said...

Oh yeah...never the socks! It was so uncool to wear socks in the wintertime!

And the leg warmers too.