Monday, October 09, 2006

Not enough time on my hands

Last night, after my husband and I put our child down for the night, I noticed that our living room ceiling fan had about two inches of dust on it. I was disgusted. I then realized that most of my house was covered in dust. I immediately grabbed a handful of papertowels, some Swiffer wipes, some cleaning agents from when I worked at Ecolab, and began to dust and clean all of the windows, mirrors and fans in our house. When I was done, I felt a sense of accomplishment. My windows no longer had smudges of little fingerprints on them and my fans were dust free.

I don't think that my angst was driven entirely by the dust on the fan. Once I sat down and looked at my work, I began to think about the last time I was entirely by myself. I couldn't remember. Does anyone really have enough time on their hands to accomplish all of the things they would like? I don't think so.

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