Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why I love my job

Last night when I picked up my son from my in-laws' house he had hives and welts all over his face and could barely see out of his eyes. The night before last he had hives and welts, but at least he could see. My in-laws have two dogs that are never bathed or groomed. Since we don't have any pets at home, I have come to the conclusion that this is why my son has the problems he does. He is allergic to dogs (well at least unkempt dogs).

We have been lucky; my husband and I. For almost a year we have not had to pay for the cost of day care. I work in the morning and my husband works at night. It is hard when you only see your spouse for roughly two out of 120 hours during the working week. It has brought new meaning to the term "working for the weekend".

When I told my supervisor about my plight with the dogs and how I was over-wrought with fear over acquiring day care for my son (and unborn son), she told me that whatever I needed to do was fine with her. If I wanted to come in early in order to leave early, that was fine with her. I told her that I did not want to take advantage of the situation and she told me that I wasn't and she knew I would never do that.

I must have done something right to have found a job like mine. I really must have.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

Well, I suppose luck in finding it is part of the whole deal. It's also nice to be appreciated at your place of employment, which you clearly are. They are willing to give back what you yourself, have already given them, and will continue to give them.

Appreciate's a rare find!